
Search "user:Lupy"

29 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Anyone else experiencing laggy mouse behaviour on lichess lately?#2

Had lots of lag today in general

Lichess Feedback - Lichess what is this...#3

dang a similar thing happened to me I went to answer the door and it was MAGNUS CARLSEN just standing there. he saw my screen and was like "u shud play Ng5" like I didn't ask him for assistance but wh…

Lichess Feedback - Engine doesn't load when doing puzzles#1

Been a problem before in analysis mode. Super annoying. Need to keep refreshing the page.

Lichess Feedback - Engine doesn't load in analysis mode#1

Seems like there have been other threads about this, but it's still a problem for me.

Lichess Feedback - Engine doesn't load all the time#9

Also having a problem with this. Running Google Chrome on Windows 10. If I hit the little 'target' symbol to open analysis in another window, it loads (in that page), but it's very annoying.

Lichess Feedback - My rating is more variable than other people's#7

Ah okay, thanks for your answers everyone, that does clear it up.

Lichess Feedback - My rating is more variable than other people's#3

I don't feel like this answers my question; why would my rating vary more than someone who's played fewer games than me?

Lichess Feedback - My rating is more variable than other people's#1

It's like I'm provisional, except I've played more games than my opponents. It's only for classical. I generally gain/lose 10-20 points per game with roughly equal opposition, and my opponents gain/lo…

Lichess Feedback - Endgame practice suggestion#1

I'd like to practice endgames, and I'd like to do this by playing games from a randomly created position (not completely random; a roughly equal position that has come up in a real game, similar to th…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: Look for an opponent within a range of your own rating#4

